No Pain No Gain
No thanks.
I'd rather play it safe.
I mean, Safe = No Pain, right?
Pain is inevitable.
Be it a twinge. Dull ache. Gut wrenching misery.
And I'm not even talking about the physical pain of breaking your leg or burning your hand.
I'm talking about the pain of growth. Moving forward. Taking first steps.
Leaving the safety of the known behind. The loss of comfort. The letting go of ease.
It's uncomfortable.
For me downright painful.
I don't mean to be dramatic.
But often growth means vulnerability. With vulnerability comes fear. Fear wants me to stop growing. Stay safe. Remain comfortable. And at all costs avoid failure.
Where's my blankie?
I wish I were kidding.
Generally there is no way out of pain but moving up and over. Pressing on. Being brave. And doing this day after day. Week after week. Month after month.
I'm tired just thinking about the commitment.
Giving up. Giving in. Giving away.
So much easier.
But keeps me stuck right where I am at this very moment. Dragging my feet. Complacent.
If I can tolerate this pain. This fear. I can be strengthened rather than weakened. I can move forward knowing that fear and pain are part of the process. I can shake hands with them and understand that it might mean I am headed in the right direction.
My growth might not lead to a million dollars. A gold medal. Or a TV show. But it might lead me in the direction for that which I have been uniquely made. It might put me on the path for that which I am meant to do.
It won't be easy.
But nothing worthwhile ever is.
“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides comes out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.”