
Create Today

Yes, today.

Because, guess what?

Tomorrow never comes.

I'm not kidding.

I glanced in the rear view mirror and realized that I have no more time to waste.

keep moving forward, rear view mirror

I encourage you to pursue that thing that is in your heart. Even for just a few minutes today. 

You can.

Remember this blog post when I talked about learning to make videos? I have actually taken the first step and maybe even the second or third toward making that a reality. And believe me, it's a huge learning curve. Promise you won't laugh? My videos are not super polished. Or fancy. Because, well baby steps.

You gotta start somewhere.

If I can. So can you. Begin. Pursue. Set in motion.

I made this demo video showing how I created the art journal page for my last blog post. I know some of you missed it because it wasn't clearly marked. 

And today I've included a video demonstration of how I create a background out of random paper and ephemera.

Art Tutorial: Collage Background

Thanks for watching. I appreciate you taking the time to follow along.

I hope this encourages you to pursue your next step.

Just begin.

You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
— Maya Angelou