small steps.

A Little Progress Each Day Adds Up

We all want immediate results. Instant gratification. Easy outcomes. 

None of us want to put in the time or the work or the effort.

Well, that's probably a rude assumption. I guess I should just speak for myself.

For me, it's easy to look at someone's finished product, career or success and think it happened overnight. I don't stop to see the years of hard work, training and perseverance that it took to arrive at that place. 

In reality, overnight success is a myth.

As author Seth Godin states, "small is achievable".  I think that's true.  Just start where you are. Do a little everyday. Each small thing does add up.


It's easy to be overwhelmed by BIG. Too daunting. Too intimidating. Scary. Hard.

I get it. 

For me, this is how it looks to do a little everyday.

Making book cover cards is a long process. It has many steps and requires extended periods of drying time. I start with the tedious task of cutting the books apart. That's all.

Handmade collage cards are very detailed and therefore time consuming. There are many steps involved requiring painting, cutting and gluing.  I start by cutting out random pieces. That's all.

Making large-scale DIY changes in your house involves much upheaval and considerable time. (especially when you decide to paint all the oak trim, kitchen cabinets and walls, re-do your pantry and refinish your hardwood floors all at the same time). I start by convincing my husband. That's all.

It's not simple. Or magical. Or completed in an hour or even a day.

Find your starting point. 

I believe we all have more talents and gifts than we think. It just takes practice and effort. A little everyday.

You've got this.

What's stopping you?

Little by little, a little becomes a lot.
— Tanzanian Proverb