hard things.

Do Hard Things

I might not want to. In fact I might insist that hard things shouldn't fall on my shoulders. I might even have some good reasons. Valid reasons. 

The bottom line is I want to detour. An easy out. A light load.

The weight of hard things can be unbearably uncomfortable.

My daughter is a first grade teacher. Yesterday a student hit and kicked her while screaming, "I want to kill you." She is doing hard things.

To you this might be an extreme example or maybe not. If you've fought cancer, looked for a job or tried to exercise regularly. You are doing hard things.

Hard is different for each of us. It isn't fair or equal. I can't compare my hard things to yours. I have my journey and no amount of grumbling or finger pointing will change that.

Sometimes I don't do the hard thing I should. I fail because hard things are....well, hard. It's a battle with my inner self that wants ease. So I push against the wind. Lean in.

I know that each hard thing I do teaches me try something else that is hard. 

It builds on itself. Preparing me. Laying the groundwork for what comes next.

At least that has been my experience. 

Whether I like it or not.

With hindsight I better understand that doing hard things has resulted in more inner strength. Deepened my faith. Boosted my resilience. Kept me from remaining too shallow. Too self centered. Too superficial.

Hard things have forced me to dive when I'd like to remain shallow. Ankle deep. Barely wet. Hair dry.

You see, most importantly hard things, hard times, hardships have connected me to people. Our lives intersecting at that 4-way stop that says, "me too". It's a messy spot but there's freedom and encouragement to be found. For me it's a crossroad of faith, love and hope. 

Whether it's putting myself through college, working in community mental health or adopting three kids. For me, doing these hard things has pushed me forward to do the next hard thing.

Like building a website and writing a blog? Possibly. These hard things are the result of doing other hard things.

I guess what I'm saying is rather than white knuckling through life afraid of hard things I'll just do the hard thing set before me. No sitting on the side of the pool. No more dipping my toes in the water. No more playing safe. And one day sopping wet I hope to be able to say, "Bring it on".

You have been assigned this mountain to show others that it can be moved.
— unknown