Art Journal #9
I've decided to come clean. Be honest. Tell ya the truth.
I wasn't going to share this art journal.
My inner critic doesn't like some of the pages. Okay, a lot of the pages.
But I decided to share it for exactly that reason.
I refuse to let fear get the best of me.
Fear would like me to shut down. Be small. Keep safe.
Sharing is vulnerable and leaves me open to criticism.
This can be difficult but not life threatening.
Because, honestly if I don't share I'll miss out.
Sharing benefits my own artistic process. Pushes me to keep creating. Contributes to finding kindred spirits.
As much as I might feel twinges of embarrassment I recognize that I am not defined by my best art. Or my worst art.
I'm sharing because it makes connections. Encourages. Inspires.
Because if I can.
So can you.
Click here or click on image below to watch video.
“Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.”