

A Stone Wall

Four Months later.

As much as I’d like to say that I’ve spent the past 4 months redesigning my website or figuring out social media algorithms—that is just not true.

Or maybe I’d like to say I’ve spent the past 4 months taking an intensive art course—that is also not true.

The truth is I stumbled and hit my head against a stone wall. Figuratively speaking.

Angkor Wat Ruins, Cambodia

Somewhere along the line I embraced the idea that the end result was more valuable than the process. That receiving was more important than giving. And therefore giving up was easier than failing.

This was my stone wall moment. An injury of sorts. Unseen bruising revealing a tender ache.

The ache for results. Validation. Recognition.

Once injured it can be difficult to recover. Even if it’s a figurative injury. Maybe especially so.

Recovery takes time.

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It forces you to be still. To listen. To decide.

And to decide means that you have to, well….choose. To stay seated or move forward. To try or not try. To chase fear or chase dreams.

We have to decide.

The bruising hurts. It tells us what we want but it doesn’t tell us how to get there.

It’s a process.

Seriously, the process is ultimately what leads us.

So practice your craft. Devote the time. Stay curious. Be generous. Share your work.

What you do matters.

I’ll admit that reengaging after hitting the stone wall requires determination. A bit of moxie. A renewed mindset. There are no end result guarantees. No certainties. No assurance of a favorable outcome.

It’s hard. I get it.

But it’s time to be faithful to your process. Honor the struggle. Own your story.

It took 4 months and a stone wall headache for me to figure that out.

My suggestion for you would be to proceed through the door, cross the threshold and avoid the stone wall altogether.

Angkor Wat Temple Ruins, Cambodia

It’s time.

Where will your process take you?


P.S. Moving forward I’ll be staying connected through the blog. Sometimes writing. Sometimes sharing art. And sometimes through video. Just know that it’s as hard for me as it is for you. The process that is.


As always I value your comments. (Just know that when I respond to your comment, unfortunately you have to check back here to read it).

So trust the process of your life unfolding, and know with certainty, through the peaks and valleys of your journey, that your soul rests safe and secure in the arms of God.
— Dan Millman