starting point.
Give Yourself a Fighting Chance
What’s holding you back?
I mean this with all seriousness. And kindness. And empathy.
What is that thing that you want to do? What is that thing that the minute you think about it your mind is flooded with excuses.
I know it’s filled with excuses because I am a mind reader. Or maybe because it is the same for me.
I have stumbled, tripped, and fallen with the weight of rationalizations on my back. Knee deep in fear. Scraping back the horror of uncertainty. My mind coursing with thoughts of how that wouldn’t work. Why would I even try? Ain’t nobody got time for that.
Back to Netflix, thank you very much.
It’s hard. This I know to be true.
To try. To learn. To begin.
But what is also true is that on the other side is fulfillment. Notice I didn’t say success. Fame. Money.
The feeling you get from persevering is fulfillment. Enjoyment. Gratification.
I know I talk about this a lot. And you’re probably thinking I need to simmer down. Find a new topic.
To be honest I was going to write about something completely different today. Really. The words just wouldn’t come out.
So here’s the deal. That thing you want to do. The one thing that comes to mind when you read this. Do it. Spend an hour a day. Half hour. Ten minutes. Whatever. Even if it takes a year. You will have learned something. You will have grown. You will have developed in unexpected ways.
You guys, I was in my 50’s when I started making art. I learned to build and maintain an e-commerce website. I started a blog. I learned to make Youtube videos.
Not to be overly dramatic but nothing about this was easy.
Yes, there was and still is a lot of bad art, poorly written blog posts, awkward videos. Yes, I have to keep tweaking things. I have to keep learning. Growing. Adapting. No I am not making a million dollars. But I am trying. I am showing up.
In the midst of all the trying is frustration. Discouragement. And of course I do not know what I am doing half the time. But one thing I know, I do not regret trying.
Here’s what I’ve learned. Life will pass. Whether you try to do that thing or not. Whether you put yourself out there or not.
One day will pass. Three months. Ten years.
You think I’m kidding?
It’s easier to stay put. I get it. Why try? Why put in all that effort when at the end of the day I won’t be rich or famous?
Because here’s the deal, you’re worth it. The future will come whether you sit in the bleachers or get on the field.
My sense of urgency peaks today because it is almost June. And yesterday it was May 1st. Just yesterday.
Give yourself a fighting chance.
What exciting, interesting thing have you been wanting to do? What is your starting point?
Go give it a try.
But promise me you won’t give up when it’s gets hard.
Move through your fear.
Press on.
And please share with me once you get started.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ”