express yourself.
Yes, You are Creative
We are all creative.
I know, I know. Everyone thinks or at least says they think that they are NOT creative.
But really, anyone who gets dressed in the morning, decorates their house or even cooks a meal is showing some level of creativity.
I mean, isn't creativity just an expression of your own individual thought or style?
I think so. (I am not claiming to be Webster's dictionary here so you might want to look it up.)
On the other hand, there are some people in the world who do not over think this. They are called first graders. Maybe that's why I enjoy spending part of every Friday afternoon being creative with them. They are more than happy to express themselves.
So for everyone who thinks they aren't creative. Pay attention to the jewelry you wear, the sandwich you make and the doodles you draw. You, my friend are being creative.
At first glance you might not see the originality. But look again. Just like these sweet first graders you might discover a creative lurking in your bagel.
Keep on. The world needs more of your creativity.
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”