
You Get To Choose

Some days it's all about opening the door.

It's that simple.

Open the door to ideas. Opportunities. People. Experiences. Dreams. Life. 

I hear ya, it's easier and more comfortable to wait around and see what happens. Wait for that pot of gold to drop in your lap. Believe me, I get it. I've looked out the window at more than my fair share of rainbows.

But really? Let's just call it what it is. Inertia? Uncertainty? Procrastination? 

Maybe. But more than likely it's just good old-fashioned FEAR.

Fear can shut a door fast.  It's our first impulse actually. Self-preservation. Before you even begin to weigh your options the deadlock to that door is bolted tight. "Oh, well that door must not have been for me."

Fear tells you that you aren't good enough. Talented enough. You're too old. Too young. Not gifted. Not experienced. Not smart enough. No aptitude. Or even worse that it is just plain silly of you to think about trying that door. Stay small. Stay safe.

The struggle is real. 

It is hard to try new things. Grow. Change. Explore. Put yourself in uncomfortable situations.

It can be difficult to become who you are uniquely created to be. To find your voice. To live authentically. To be you.

No one can open the door for you. 

You get to choose.

Today I'm done watching leprechauns take off with my pot of gold. What about you? What door will you open?

The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.
— Flora Whittemore