Who Needs Water?
It's hard to start.
But guess what?
"Start" doesn't have to be on a Monday. It doesn't need to be on January 1st. Or the first day of school. Or the first day of spring. Or the first day after vacation.
It really can be today. Tuesday. April 4th.
Shocking. I know.
But here's the reality. Once I decide to start something there is exactly 1,428 good reasons why not to start. To put it off. Delay. Procrastinate. I'll wait until Monday. Or better yet June 1st. Or when I look better. Or feel better. Or have the right equipment. Or the right shoes.
Ha. That day never comes. That day is called Tomorrow.
And let's just say that maybe I'm ready to start today, right now. Suddenly there's a whole world of things called Urgent. Really important things like the cats need water. The dog needs water. The plants need water. Even the bearded dragon needs water. Now I desperately need water myself. Or maybe tea would be nice. Or coffee.
I wish I were kidding.
Resistance is at work. Also known as internal struggle. Or procrastination. Or excuse making.
Start. How is it even possible? Or ever possible? There's just so many things that get in the way. Mostly my own mind games.
Worse yet, the longer I put off starting the harder it is to actually start. Resistance increases. Procrastination is immense. The push and pull to do or not do gets greater.
What the heck?
Resistance is a real thing. Just ask Steven Pressfield he wrote a whole book about it called "Do The Work". In it he says to do the thing you are most scared of first. (Really?) Then he goes on to explain that if you are afraid you can be sure that you should be doing it. (What?) Fear, he says is actually telling us what to do. (Hmmmm)
Why does it always boil down to Fear? He seems to be at the root of everything? He stops me in my tracks. He creates excuses. Basically impedes my desire for an abundant life.
But I do buy in. I over-think it. I fall prey to the trivial. Basically creating my own resistance to the very thing I want to do.
For me, this is generally about creating. I forget that I don't need to commit a full day. I tend to think I need lots and lots and lots of time. But really? Start small. Short and sweet. I think any of us can find 15 extra minutes to start. Just think how much progress could be made in daily, small increments. Because quite frankly just dreaming about something isn't enough. It requires action.
Simply commit.
Right now I'm going to lay down my phone. Turn off my computer. Ignore the pet's empty water bowls. Give excuses the cold shoulder And start.
Life is calling.
“The more important an activity is to your soul, the more resistance you will feel to it — the more fear you will feel.”