you can.
Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks
It's true.
You can.
And so can I.
For some reason I think it's easier to conclude that we can't.
Believe me, I get that.
My mind plays tricks on me on all the time. Convinces me that I can't. Persuades me things are too hard. Twists my arm. Brainwashes me.
Sounds eerily like Inner Critic.
I'll give credit where credit is due though. My mind is right about some things. I'll never compete in a gymnastics meet. I'll never run for public office. And I certainly will never be on Survivor.
But there are other times when my mind doesn't speak honestly to me.
Sometimes it says that I can't do something. That I shouldn't. Or the infamous - No can do.
It's easy to accept "can't" with those harsh words coming at me. Some days I can barely hear myself think with all it's incessant chatter.
Despite the unfriendliness of "can't" I have slowly been pursuing "can". One small "can" leads to another. It's a building block of sorts.
I can learn business skills - Read books. Take classes. Listen to podcasts.
I can learn technology - Ask Google. Watch Youtube videos.
I can learn new art techniques - Take classes. Practice everyday.
This is just to name a few "cans". For you it might be tennis or grad school or a new job. Will it be can or can't? Try or not try?
And you guys, believe me when I say that if I can do this so can YOU.
I fight the same belittling thoughts. The same nagging insecurities.
But two can play this game. I'm not going to give in to defeat this time. I'm shifting my mindset from can't to can.
I can.
What "I can" is waiting for you?
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t — you’re right.”