Time For Closure
I'm not much of a baseball fan but I do know that there is a designated pitcher who specializes in finishing the game. The closer literally closes by throwing the final pitches. Hopefully for a win.
Finishing can be hard. Easier said than done. Just ask the closer.
We've all heard the saying, "finish what you start". In theory this seems like a good idea. Make a commitment. Have follow through.
So, what happens? Where is the disconnect?
I do believe I am getting better at the starting part. So that's a step in the right direction.
But that's only the first step toward finishing.
I mean, "let's get the party started" only works for so long. At some point I have to move from beginning to doing to actually finishing.
If I let it, the momentum of starting can actually push me to keep going. That boost is helpful. And appreciated.
But then I'll inevitably hit a wall. Get stuck in a rut. Spin my wheels.
When the going gets tough the tough quit and start something new. Right? Or is that just my version of the quote?
My hunch is that those devious twins Fear and Inner Critic are back at work. Maybe they've brought their cousin Perfection as well.
Hence I may or may not have exactly 328 unfinished art projects sitting on the other side of this room. I think we can agree that the going got tough. And the tough threw in the towel.
Now it's back to the drawing board: begin. Start small. Stay focused. Face Fear.
And bring in the closer.
“FINISHED LAST will always be better than DID NOT FINISH which always trumps DID NOT START.”