small things.
The Shopping Cart Dilemma
I don't know about you but I hate putting my shopping cart back after getting groceries. It's normally raining and I'm usually hungry. Not the best of combinations.
I realize that putting your shopping cart away is small and meaningless. Maybe even a silly thing to talk about or mention.
But for me not putting my shopping cart back into the "cart corral" (Yes, that's the name. I looked it up) is a symptom of bigger things.
It's about my unwillingness to do the right thing when no one is looking. When I'd rather do the easy thing and leave the cart askew, against the curb or in the planting strip. I have done that. I am that person.
In a world filled with poverty, war, and crime I realize this doesn't register as a blip on our radar. What does it matter? In fact what am I really talking about?
For me, I've learned that putting my shopping cart back says a lot. Am I willing to do the small thing? Be inconvenienced?
Or am I just giving lip service to the notion? Saying I want to do the right thing. Do what is hard. Give. Care.
My life is filled mostly with tiny inconsequential moments packed with trivial decisions. And yet, each choice says much about my character. My values. My purpose.
Am I living those out? Or are they hollow words not backed up by my actions? Am I only willing to do the right thing for a pat on the back? The cheer of the crowd? Or a high five?
Each decision I make whether private or public builds on itself. It is in those defining moments when I make the decision to do or not do that reveals my integrity. Who I really am. It all adds up.
I wish I could say that I'm always on "Team Do" but sadly I fail at this. A lot.
In those times I'm missing the whole point of living wholeheartedly. Having integrity. Being purposeful.
You see, life really is lived in the small moments. Unpretentious times. Simple exchanges.
By being faithful in the small things I hope that I can have integrity in the significant moments in my life. Times when it really matters.
Because what I do today impacts tomorrow.
And as it turns out...the simple shopping cart has more value than merely getting groceries.
Who knew?
“Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.”