Actually, You Could
I know, I know. It seems too hard. Too challenging. Too ambitious.
But you really can do that thing you wish you could do.
Just think about it this way. If you spend 10 minutes a day. Practicing. Trying. Learning.
It adds up.
Even if you only did that thing 3 times per week for a year. And I'm talking only 10 minutes a day here. Over the course of a year that would be 26 hours. Can you even?
Today I would like to challenge you. And challenge myself. What is it that you've always wished you could do? Now I'm not talking about playing in the NBA, hosting SNL, or flying for NASA. Although these are great goals and I will fully cheer you on if that's what you are about. For most of us though it's simply about turning off our devices and spending a few minutes leaning in to something new.
Orgami. Spanish. Juggling. Photography. Shooting Free Throws. Playing a Musical Instrument. Knitting. Yoga. Sketching. Web Design.
Sounds silly? I'm sure you have your own list. Dig deep.
Maybe it's simpler. Not learning but just actually doing something different.
Walking for 10 minutes. Reading for 10 minutes. Journaling for 10 minutes.
Don't rush out and spend 3 hours and then never do it again. Say you're no good. I can't. It didn't work. Of course it didn't work.
Start small. Set a timer. Make a star chart. Be brave it's only 10 minutes.
Over time you will get better at whatever it is.
Small leads to big. It just does.
Nothing new is easy. Changing a habit is hard. Feeling inadequate is normal. But 10 minutes is doable. It doesn't take away from anything.
I have to remind myself of that. Whether I'm gardening, exercising, or painting. Little adds up.
I want to encourage you today to find that one thing. Just one. And commit to it for 10 min. No judging yourself. No comparing.
It's just for you.
Then do it for a year. Or 6 months. Or 100 days. But don't give up on trying. Don't give up on yourself. Too many of us just let life happen. Then we are somehow blindsided by the lack of meaning and purpose in our life. I am guilty of this.
My dream for you is to not let life pass you by. Don't have regrets that you wish you would've tried. Or learned. Or grew.
Take 10 minutes. There is no more time to waste. Your future self is already clapping and cheering for you.
I'm in.
What about you?
“One life on this earth is all that we get, whether it is enough or not enough, and the obvious conclusion would seem to be that at the very least we are fools if we do not live it as fully and bravely and beautifully as we can.”