The Queen of Minutia
I can get caught up in tiny details faster than anyone else.
Really. I can.
You might be a big picture type person. Great with overview. Broad outlook. Comprehensive perspective.
Or somewhere in between. We're all different that way.
My tendency to follow the teeny tiny trail of breadcrumbs can sometimes be a problem. Let me tell you, everything looks big and important under a microscope.
If I forget to look up, sooner or later I'm drifting. Caught up in non essentials. Doing that which doesn't matter.
It's important to pay attention to where you're going. I do not want to follow those breadcrumbs directly to the witch's gingerbread house. Wandering. Bewildered. Tricked. Lost.
Because you see those ever-loving details are never ending. Bless their teeny tiny hearts. They come in every form imaginable. Mostly disguised as real life. Sugar coated to keep me busy. Cloaked as significance.
Details can be helpful. They are integral to achieving bigger goals. They are not without value. That's all good and fine.
But, it can also be a deterrent for someone like me. Details can detract me from doing what's most important. Sweetly calling out for my attention. Applying pressure. Begging to be done right this minute.
I love you details. Your immediate gratification is immensely gratifying.
Here's the deal. Occasionally I need to glance up at the bigger picture. Realign. Straighten up. No longer allow myself to be swayed by the gingerbread's sweetness.
So I'll turn myself around and follow that trail of breadcrumbs backwards. Start over. Reevaluate. Arrive back at myself.
I know I'll always love the details. That's who I am. But once I get myself turned around to the bigger picture I can be assured that I'm focusing on the right ones.
In the future I'll leave the gingerbread house to Hansel & Gretel.
“And every day, the world will drag you by the hand, yelling, “This is important! And this is important! And this is important! You need to worry about this! And this! And this!” And each day, it’s up to you to yank your hand back, put it on your heart and say, “No. This is what’s important.””