
Do Hard Things

Promptly. Right away. Just get 'er done.


Hard Things are hard for a reason.

If it were easy I'd have it done already.

Am I the only one who feels this way?

Held captive to dread. Anxiety. Stress.

But what I've learned is just because it's hard doesn't mean I shouldn't do it.

Even though I'd prefer not to.

In fact many times the Hard Thing is exactly what I need to do. Or should do. Or should have done.

But instead. I make Hard Things harder.

I avoid. Ignore. Forget.

In other words bury my head in the sand.

head in the sand, art journal

This does not make Hard Things go away. In fact it makes them seem worse. Bigger. Darker.

It certainly makes life more uncomfortable. Vexing. A bit tumultuous.

So do that Hard Thing.

No more excuses. Rationalizing. Or lying to yourself.

The best part?

Doing Hard Things builds momentum to do more hard things.

Strengthens determination. Boosts confidence. Builds grit.

Because as we all know there are no shortcuts in life.

Hard Things will always be there.

So go ahead, do your Hard Thing.

you can do hard things, inspirational quote

Then celebrate that victory. Applaud your growth. Give kudos to your efforts.

I'm off to do my hard thing.

What about you?

The amount of effort needed at the start pales in comparison to what your momentum can ultimately produce in the end.
— Lincoln Patz