
Enough To Go Around

There is enough.

There is enough to go around, art journal

Cognitively I know this.

But scarcity whispers lies. Easy to believe. Seductive. And persuasive.

Beliefs like insufficient. Lacking. Wanting.

I'm not talking about the scarcity related to poverty. Clean water. Third world education. Or a myriad of other societal problems.

I'm talking about the scarcity that says there is not enough for me. Time. Money. Sleep. Joy. Energy. Opportunity.

The false belief that I must cling to whatever I have for fear of never having more.

The belief that closes me off to generosity. Sharing ideas. Being vulnerable.

The scarcity mindset does this without much work. 

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It feeds on comparison. Regret. Perfection. Apathy.

Dividing us.

This idea of scarcity runs through my mind like a playlist. Except there is no music. Just an inaudible droning. Rooted, no doubt, in fear.

The problem is that it's hard to recognize a scarcity mindset let alone push back against it. It's symptoms are benign in a world that supports the concept that there is never enough.

I spot it creeping in the minute I resent your good fortune. Your brilliant idea. Your creative genius.  Becoming sullen because there is not enough room for me. As if joy is a finite resource. Or success restricted to a few.

What a limiting belief.

Instead I want to cheer you on. Applaud your success. High-five your achievement.

I can't wait to see what you do next. Where life takes you. What adventure you choose. What obstacle you overcome.

I'm watching you. Excited. Happy. Encouraged.

Because I know that....

When you share...I learn.

When you are joyful....I hope.

When you succeed....I benefit.

Because if you're killing it....I can too.

Scarcity is mistaken.

There is enough room for all of us. 


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People with a scarcity mentality tend to see everything in terms of win-lose. There is only so much; and if someone else has it, that means there will be less for me. The more we develop an abundance mentality, the more we are genuinely happy for the successes, well-being, achievements, recognition and good fortune of other people. We believe their successes add to rather than detracts from our lives.
— Stephen Covey